Monday, April 15, 2002

If I wasn't sick, I'd blame my strange sleep hours on daylight savings. I can't stand daylight savings. I think we should all be more like arizona and not buy into the whole messing with time thing. It just doesn't seem natural. Not that I don't love daylight at 11 at night, cuz I do. But still. Just leave time alone. I'm against time zones too. They just fuck with me. Some people are against cloning. So I don't think this is all that weird, really. I took a road trip where we pretty much crossed a time zone each day accross the country, hung out on the east coast for a month and crossed all the zones back again. Then we flew to spain. Then back to seattle. Then to Boston. I didn't sleep right for at least four months. There may be other reasons for that, but I'm going to pretend there aren't.


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