Wednesday, March 13, 2002

So my neighbors accross the street have this sign up in their window. It's an American flag with the words "9-11 -- We still remember" written underneath it. And it isn't that I'm entirely unsympathetic to the sentiments behind such a message, but even so, I just have to say, of course you still remember it you FAWKING IDIOTS! I mean it's not everyday you see a fully loaded passenger jet ram a fully loaded office building that just happens to be one of the world's most recognizeable icons, explode into flames and come crashing to the ground killing 1500 people--TWICE. That's a noteworthy day. And then to see that footage replayed hundreds if not thousands of times over the course of the next week--they say that repitition IS the key to memory recall--so that just MIGHT have aided in your miraculous ability to vaguely recollect the happenings on a date a WHOLE SIX FRIGGING MONTHS AGO. I truly wish I lived accross from the Seattle Alzheimer's Clinic or Drooling Acres Retirement Community or the Special Olympics Training facility or someplace where I could justify this moronic display. But I don't. They drive a Taurus.

People are broken.


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