Saturday, April 13, 2002

Okay, so Sonya totally ripped me a new one tonight for my neglect of my blog. Which, admittedly, I deserved. But, I dunno, most of the time I feel like I have...what?...a good, blogworthy, idea once a month or so? And so my greatest fear, (as it pertains to my blog), isn't neglecting it, but rather posting laundry lists and general unentertaining bullshit. You all know what I'm talking about. If your blog has lines like, "and then fluffy meowed twice and rolled onto her belly," or "...oh, wait, it was after I made the copies, but before I went to the bathroom..." I'm talking to you. I don't want a written surveylance of your day. I just don't. If I cared that much, I'd just follow you around.

And before I go any further, I do have to say that I am not speaking specifically about anyone reading this. I know these people personally, but they are in different social circles, and do not have knowledge of my blog--which is how it will stay. So, you know, I can talk trash about them. Bad Zach. Bad.

So anyway, yeah. I won't post everyday. I just won't. Somedays I'm paint-drying boring--A good thing to recognize. Especially prior to subjecting others to too much of it. Somedays I have stuff to say, but it's kinda private stuff. And I know I really shouldn't care about that, but I do. So deal. I'll work on it. Some days I don't come home. Some days I don't go online. Some days, I swear, I can't speak english.

Hey, Zach, aren't these all pretty lame excuses?

Yes. But they are MY lame excuses. Phhhht.

Okay, I'll try to be better. I'm going to put a goal in writing. You ready for this? Okay, here goes: I will try not to miss more that two consecutive days. I think that is reasonable and whithin reach. It's in writing so now people will give me such shit if I break that. Fuck.

So if I start doing boring-ass shit, yell at Sonya.


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