Friday, April 12, 2002

Technology is amazing. They stuck my Mom in a microwave for a while today and then declared her cured of cancer. So that's cool. Technology just gets better and faster and more complicated all the time. It solves lots of stuff.

And it makes lots of problems. For example, if one hypothetically got an email from a girl who was interested in going out sometime, and this girl is known to be a computer geek of sorts, how long is an appropriate time to wait? Is it the same as the phone waiting period, or is it sped up because it's email? What exactly does 'not desperate' translate to in internet time? If you wait to long you look techno-shy, or just flaky, and that's a loss of points. If your too quick, her loser alarm goes off. What's a boy to do? I probably shouldn't worry about such things. I mean it isn't like I personally give a damn about dating protocol. But it seems that other people do. And it's real hard for me to care about stuff that I just naturally don't. But I'm trying to work on it. Honestly, it really is probably better for me to just be an idiot from the get-go and weed out the weak that way. Maybe there's my hypothetical answer.

Another thing with technology, they keep making things really small and unattached to things. It's real easy to lose remote controls and cordless/cellular phones. And that isn't good. I can immagine a day where you lift of the couch cushions and brush out popcorn kernels, nickels, and dozens of cellular phones. It's only a matter of time. It will happen. I can only pray that by that point the phones are smart enough to call us at home and tell us where they are, and chastise us for leaving them in the peanutbutter jar or wherever. If they can't do at least that much, then screw em, they deserve to be slathered with jelly and eaten. Peanutbutter, jelly and cellphone sandwiches--mmm, mmm, mmm.


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