So, a week ago I posted my picture on If you are not familiar with this gem of the online world, you realy should be. The gist of the site is this: people, for whatever reason, opt to post pictures of themselves to the site and then people from all over the globe look at it, and anonymously rate it on a scale of 1-10. You can log on and begin rating right now if you like. Generally, unless you show boobs, you get rated pretty low.
So, why, zach? Why would you ever post yourself on this ego-killer of a site? Well, let me preface this by saying, I was drunk. I was drunk, and hopped up on caffeine, and couldn't sleep. It was about 4am, and I had just completed the post on lastinline with the dialogue between me and my blog--so that should give you an idea of my headspace. And earlier in the day I had photoshopped up a pic of myself (just to give it that oversaturated, contrasty look, and gausian blur out the background--not to give myself purple hair or giant genitalia or anything) to email to an old friend. So there ya go, all the elements are there. And I went on the sight to kill some insomnia time, and I must have hit the wrong button or something, cuz the next morning I found an email from hotornot inviting me to check the progress of my rating.
So, once this whole deal had been started, I figured there wasn't any going back. And at that point I opted to keep my mouth shut, and preserve the scientific validity of the ranking. (plus that way, I could brush the whole experience under the rug if I ended up getting a 2. So, rated entirely by strangers, I was hoping for a 5. I figured that wasn't too much to ask--average. I figured to get over that I needed some serious ab-work in photoshop.
So, what'd ya get Zach? Me? Little old me? Well, I got a 7. That's right, somebody's hot! (smug look). I'm gonna go out and get a "now serving number" system installed on my bed. After 100 votes, It was up at 7.4, but I guess the last 35 people weren't feeling the love. (135 is the maximum number of people allowed to vote on each picture).
Now that I've got an official rating, you all can go and inflate or deflate it as you please. Here's the link: click here . Enjoy.
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