I've been having technical difficulties posting to lastinline. My apologies. I'm on my housemates computer now, and it seems to work just fine.
So a few days ago, I was talking with my Mom. I had just dyed my hair blue. And she was telling me how I certainly hadn't got the aspect of my personality which feels comfortable running off and getting all crayola on my hair from her. To which I responded, "I must have gotten it from Dad." Which, if you know my dad, is funny. And then after a few more lines of dialog we both came to the conclusion that I got it from theater.
I hadn't ever thought of theater as a third rearing entity in my life, but the more I think about it, the more I realize it is. I think that's cool and more than a little freightening. And that's the end of my ability to talk with any small portion of inteligence on the subject.
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