Saturday, May 18, 2002

I leave for europe in 20 hours. 20. Holy Allah on Asparagus. I should start packing. My email address for when I'm traveling will be my name, zach zulauf, all as one word, @ either or Why am I explaining it like this rather than just writing it? because I don't want it to be picked up by roving bots and added to more spam lists. I get enough spam. Paranoid? You better believe it. But I don't need free access to the net's youngest women, I feel generaly secure with myself without adding 1 to 2 inches, my credit is good enough, and I don't want to earn 500K a year just using the internet. And that's just the way it is. I will post from Europe, but it may be more a weekly thing. We'll see. I will miss you all. Stay sexy. Z.


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