Tuesday, April 30, 2002

I want to know what time it is in Lithuania. There are websites for such things. Ah, convenience.

I had a little weird moment tonight. I was driving home. Stoplight. A rellow cab to my right. I turned to look and there was a woman in the front seat. Pretty. Looking at me. I kinda half smile and turned away and resumed mildly bopping to the motown on the radio. A minute later I look back and she's still looking at me. Not a full on stare or anything, but looking. And so I don't turn away. And she doesn't either. She mouths "hi" through the two panes of glass and does a small wave--not like in an overdone hollywood campy bimbo way, but in an understated, nice, rather sincere seeming way. I do a quick once around to make sure she's looking at me. And I look to make sure that she isn't someone I know, and she isn't. And then check to see the back seat of the taxi to see if her friends are cracking up or anything. But they aren't. The two in the back seat are talking to each other, and seem wholly unaware of anything hapening in the front seat. And the driver, I think, really wanted to be alone. And she's just smiling at me. And so I give her a little sheepish smile. Then said "hi" back (I actually did say it, too. I realize I could have mouthed it with the glass and all, but I didn't). And gave a one motion wave back. Still smiles. Still looking. Still very calm--like this was omehow normal in her world. And then the light changed. Taxi took the left fork. I took the right, cuz, what else could I do? Following her would have been creepy, and would have required a last-minute lane change. Even just heading up to their next light with them didn't seem right to do. But it was such a strange place to leave it. I think it was probably the most significant connection I have ever made at a stoplight with someone outside my vehicle who I don't know. It made me smile all the way home. Such little things are the only things that can really do that. I don't suppose I'd have it any other way.


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