Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Least favorite way to be woken up ever: 4 am on a train to prague by a Third Reich Nazi woman dressed in all olive drab and holstering a glock bursting into your compartment barking "Pasporten Check." I almost crapped myself.

I look forward to getting some actual bed sleep for the first time in the last three nights tonight. It will be a most wonderful thing.

So I'm in a bagel shop/internet cafe sucking back a liter of beer that cost me $0.60 in the beautiful city of prague. It's a spectacular cafe. My dorm mate at the hostel is an australian named Ashe, and I have a couple friends with me at the cafe here--two Montrealians named Katherine and Renault--they mostly speak french. There is better music in Prague. Although I did here a techno version of Humpty Dumpty in a cab earlier, and a Ragae version of Light My Fire here in the cafe that made me make a strange looking face for a while.

I showered today. I need to take a higher allergy dosage tomorrow. Happy and good.


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