Okay, this is sounding like a bad pattern here, but, after I wrote that last excuse, I wrote a little diddy about Friday, and what a nice time I had, and about how overlysentimental I was feeling about all the fabulous people I have in my life. But then, when I hit publish and post, it lost it, and any feelings remotely oversentimental vanished pretty damn quickly. Argh.
So the superbowl happened. I watched a little of the first quarter. Just enough to find out that mlife is fucking AT&T Wireless, and that eTrade is now "eTrade Financial" (and that the goofy monkey mascot no longer fits their "serious image"). The only cool part from my point of view is that the NE Patriots opted out of the traditional player roll call introductions, and instead were simply introduced as a team. That was enough for me to decide to root for them. And I guess they won, making the game the biggest upset in Superbowl history, which is kinda cool.
It is now 2:45 am. I don't really know why I'm awake. I'm half watching this show on Billy Bob Thorton. I should go to bed.
Now it's little crappy entries like this that make me think that writing good entries is more important than getting new entries up every day. I dunno. Maybe it all comes out in the wash. It isn't like anyone actually reads this shit, right?
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