Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Shit. I just wrote this killer post, a long one. It was hilarious, and I don't have the heart to try and reconstruct it. Suffice it to say it was a rant on advertising for experimental depression drugs and snowflakes the size of toy poodles. But then I hit the "post and publish" button, and I got this message saying "Whoops, the tools here at Blogger, screwed up and accidentily just mexican hat danced all over your really good post." But the message went on to say how sorry they are, and how they will investigate to find the source of the problem, so that, of course, vehemently brought the taste of blood to my mouth. I want to eat the young of the Blogger tools engineers.

If this site suddenly vanishes from blogspot, we'll know that they monitor the postings, and I'll have to get another one using my alias, Raul Mondesi.


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